The Fiesta del Rey Jaume I ready to remember the history of Salou
Salou. Costa Dorada. 27 August 2023. Every year, at the end of August and beginning of September, Salou relives one of the most important historical events in Catalan history: the departure of the ships of King Jaume I from the capital of the Costa Dorada to the conquest of Mallorca in 1229. In 2023 , the Festival of King Jaume I of Salou will be from August 31 to September 3, with multiple activities and a colorful and lively Medieval Market.
In this edition, in addition, the costumes used at the party have been improved with the aim of providing it with a rigorous historical base. Thus, the members of the Associació de Dones de Salou have made, by hand, new costumes typical of the 13th century, with the advice of the designer and pattern maker Olivia Garzón, and with the support of the Salou City Council. In addition to King Jaume I, around thirty characters from the clergy, nobility, knights and villagers will wear new period costumes.
Program and schedules of the Feast of King Jaume I 2023
Thursday, August 31, 2023
at 11 am, inauguration of the Medieval Market, located in the streets of the old town and in the Bonet square.
The Medieval Market is open every day until September 3, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Friday, September 1, 2023
at 7:00 p.m., in the courtyard of the Torre Vella, presentation of the short film "El elegido de Dios", by Marina Carrión, from the Metrópolis CE Film School, Madrid, and alumna of the Jaume I Institute in Salou.
at 8:00 p.m., in the Torre Vella, inauguration of the exhibition "Salou 1229. Dressing the past and evoking the memory of the conquest of Mayurqa", by Esther Lozano, doctor in Art History.
Saturday, September 2, 2023
From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Plaza del Carrilet, the children's workshop of King Jaume I will take place.
from 7 pm, from the Plaza del Teatre Auditori de Salou (TAS), departure of the royal entourage. The tour will take place from the Plaza del Teatro Auditorio de Salou (TAS) to the Torre Vella, passing through Vía Roma, Barcelona street and Vía Aurelia.
Starting at 8:00 p.m., from the Torre Vella, King Jaume I, accompanied by his entire court, will take a horseback ride along the Vía Aurelia, the Vía Roma and Barcelona street, until they reach the Espigón del pier and the Llevant beach.
at 9 pm, on Llevant beach, a performance by all the entertainment groups and a great final show of dance and fire can be seen.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Digital gymkhana "Conquer history!". This is a family activity to discover and overcome 9 challenges and enigmas for 1 hour, along 1.5 km, which is the length of Paseo Jaume I. The activity is free and can be done at any time by phone mobile, but it is necessary to register in advance, in person, at the Department of Fiestas of the Salou City Council, since places are limited. Registration can be done on August 30 and 31, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at 8:00 p.m., in the courtyard of the Torre Vella, conference “1229. The artistic spheres beyond the sphere of influence of Jaume I”, by Cristina Calamote.
From September 8 to 10, 2023
37 Rei en Jaume Regatta, organized by the Salou Yacht Club, between Catalonia and the Balearic Islands
The organization of the events of the Fiesta del Rey Jaume I is the responsibility of the Department of Fiestas; and the departments of Culture, Children and the Economic Revitalization Area also participate, in what refers to the Medieval Market.
More information in the attached pdf program.
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Tags: feast,
king jaume,
medieval market