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Salou / News / Art

Information session for those interested in the International Camp School

Information session for those interested in the International Camp School

Salou. Costa Dorada. Friday July 8, 2011 will be held at the Teatre Auditori Salou (Sala Europa) a first information event for families interested in learning about the International Camp School, plus all the educational opportunities to students. The talk will be from 7:00pm to 8pm. The purpose of the talk is to present the details of the school, its educational model and the process of commissioning. The speakers who will attend are: Mr. JOSEP MARIA BACH i VOLT President International Camp School Foundation (FEIC) Mr. Gabriel Ferraté Pascual, Vice President International Camp School Foundation (FEIC) Mr. Jaume VILELLA BACH, Director General International Camp School Foundation (FEIC) Mr. Claudio Fuster Sobrepere Pedagogical Director of the International School Camp (EIC). After the presentation may discuss with the speakers. The school building Access to the set is from the topographically highest point of the site from the intersection of Salvador Espriu and Rodoreda. From this point, and through a generous foyer, you enter the space of square-agora-forum, and in the hall. The forum, designed as a covered public square, has the aim of becoming the central area of ​​the activity center. Must be meeting space, meeting and exchange. From the main lobby, start the journey along the axis connecting the whole. The corridor connects north and south modules for the different cycles classroom buildings and spaces of common services. This axis is split into three sections to avoid excessive length. In the turning points of the route, lie the nuclei of vertical communication and access to outdoor spaces (the forum, sports courts, gardens). The various pavilions containing classrooms program sequential order: child care and education, on one level-, primary, and secondary school ESO-vocational training, ground floor +2 -. The connection with these flags is produced from the axis of communication, at the main entrance on the first floor. The residence building The residence will have a capacity for 138 seats and with a floor area of ​​4.464m2. (In a second phase) The building for sports Consisting of an indoor pool, a sports pavilion and its services. The pool is sized according to the parameters established for one type PCO-2 equipment and sports hall meets the requirements of the PAV-2 model Catalan Sports Council. Services are common to both facilities. The surface constructed from the set is 3.117m2. The Board of the Civic Forum has commissioned Field Education Project architectural solution carefully crafted on the basis of a model of quality, with the territory and an international study of architecture RQP Architecture, slp. The architectural definition of this project is to make possible the development of educational activities within the regulatory framework, establishing the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia, with special attention, facilitate the organizational framework and relations characteristic of the spirit Socrates' Education of the pedagogical model. This is structured around core themes: Internationalization Students complete the educational process to dominate the English, Catalan and Castilian It enhances the learning of a fourth language, Oriental or European The school actively participates in collaborative networks and exchanges with other centers in the world, both by students and faculty Excellence in the use of new technologies The school makes efficient use, permanent and innovative emerging technologies Not only as an end in themselves but as it facilitates learning and relationships with third Commitment to community Through programs such as service learning with community service or mentoratge between students of different ages ... so that in addition to receiving a quality academic training, it encourages a sense of solidarity, effort and generosity toward others. It incorporates various areas to promote communication and exchange, to hold meetings and presentations (the forum audience) for the development of physical activity (sports courts, gym). Sustainability: Since the construction of buildings, to the daily operational sostenibiliat values ​​and respect for the environment are present in the EIC. The building, facilities and development of a pedagogy based on the values ​​of personal frugality and responsible consumption are visible elements of this educational model sensitivity  

Tags: costa dorada, salou, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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