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Altafulla organizes a Solidary Festival for Haiti

Altafulla organizes a Solidary Festival for Haiti

Altafulla. Costa Dorada. Altafulla again this weekend to show their human face. The city will host the "Festival of Haiti Solidarity" with the aim of raising funds to help those affected by the earthquake which hit the Caribbean island's capital, and who have joined various organizations in town. The honor of opening the festival this Saturday at 11 am will be the Club Tennis Taula Altafulla with a tournament at the manor Violet. At 6 pm, will be the turn of the Cultural Association of Women with his show of sketches. When finished, the choir will offer a new outbreak sung to the attendees, followed by an auction of paintings by the Art Circle Altafulla. In addition, throughout the day, you may also enjoy an exhibition of photographs by Intermon Oxfam. On Sunday at seven and 10 am, the Bicycle Club will host a race through the streets of the municipality. Meanwhile, live sports basketball game will be played between the Institute and the Sacred Heart Altafulla. At the meeting, will follow different exhibitions of hip hop, and boxing king. Already at 11, the CEIP The rocky host a bowling roll Catalans. At seven and 12 new games will be played in this case football, including pre-minis and the youngest children. And at 12, neighbors and citizens can enjoy a dance at the Plaza Marti sardanas Royo cobla charge of "La Principal de Tarragona". The Esplai Retirees will also participate and solidarity with lunch at 2 pm, and bingo at 5. Another of the entities that form part of Altafulla Bastoners will be a workshop of dances from around the world, accompanied by the Grallers of the town and grallers "The reeds of Gaia". At seven and 8 pm, will close the day at the manor Violeta with a drawing for gifts donated by the trade and service the municipality. The lineup of activities could be expanded at the last minute due to the interest of many other entities and individuals to organize other activities. Furthermore, on Friday 5 February, the manor also host a concert by the Institute Jazzorquestra Altafulla. Three days full of activities, then, that the councilman of Social Welfare and Health, Joan Albert Spuch, has described as "half marathon". Program.

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Tags: costa dorada, altafulla, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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