FiraReus hosts on June 19th the Tarragona Microsoft and Nokia Developer Day organized by Google in Tarragona (GDG) and has the support of Nokia, Microsoft and firaReus. This conference is aimed at ICT and developers that are forecast to develop or commercialize products for Windows Phone 8.
Tarragona Nokia and Microsoft Day
The conference will be announced contributions Windows Phone 8 in the ICT sector, businesses and freelance workers who want offer its customers. In addition, developers and entrepreneurs interested in Windows Phone may contact technology primarily responsible in Spain.
The day is divided into two sessions: the first one will be place from 10.30 to 13.30, and focusing on the present technology Windows Phone 8. This blog will be handled by Oscar Gutiérrez, head the relationship with Nokia developers in Spain. The second part of the day, a practical, will be held from 14:30 to 18 hours